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The use of the Internet or this form for communication with the firm or any individual member of the firm does not establish an attorney-client relationship. Confidential or time-sensitive information should not be sent through this form. By filling out this consultation form or using Antuna & Associates' website or sending inquiries through the website or contact email, you confirm that there is no attorney-client relationship between you and Antuna & Associates. To become a Antuna & Associates client, you and Antuna & Associates must first establish an attorney-client relationship. The attorney-client relationship is not formed unless and until the firm runs a conflicts check, the matter has cleared the conflicts check AND both you and an authorized attorney at Antuna & Associates have executed an engagement letter setting forth the terms of the representation. Antuna & Associates reserves the right to deny representation of any person or entity as a client.
Following your initial interview, if you agree to hire the Attorney, and the Attorney agrees to represent you, you will both sign an Agreement for Representation. The Agreement for Representation will set forth the terms and conditions of representation.
Please note, if your legal problem(s) involve a potential lawsuit, it is important that you realize a lawsuit must be filed within a certain period of time called a Statute of Limitations. Therefore, the Attorney strongly urges you to immediately consult with another attorney to protect your rights if you decided not to hire this Firm or if this Firm decided not to represent you.
If the Attorney decided not to represent you, the Attorney’s decision not to represent you should not be taken by you as an expression regarding the merits of your case.
Please allow three business days for our reply. If you require more urgent assistance, please call our firm at (210) 287-2307. Thank you.